Crystal Meanings/Properties
- Promotes courage to stand up for yourself
- Encourages leadership, focus & brings success
- Empower yourself
- Reduces anger & irritability
- Increases clairvoyant & telepathic abilities
- Combats sexism
- Activates lazy teenagers
- Helps house train animals
- Attracts good luck
- Allows you to see the bigger picture
- Fills the heart with courage & determination
- Protects aura from psychic attack & emotional vampires
- Increases Clairvoyance, hold when using pendulum
- Good for Eyes, Calms Panic Attacks & Irregular Heart Beat, Fertility, eases Genitor-Urinary problems, Osteoporosis, Kidney Stones, Calms spasms
- Cleans and draws disease from the body
- Brings stability to life & attracts love
- Encourages spontaneity
- Clears depression and anxiety
- Strengthens self-worth
- Attracts prosperity & success
- Melts rigid or confrontational attitudes
- Negative into positive energies
- Enhances creativity
- Gives courage to face opposition
- Brings balance and patience
- Protects healers from negative energies
- Helps short term memory & speech problems
- Helps shy children to relax
- Brings vitality, Absorbs pain, Aids Digestion & Stomach ailments, Kidneys, Spleen, Bladder and Liver
- Strong healing & cleansing powers
- Overcome addictions and blockages
- Aids sleep & helps overcome nightmares
- Grounds, stabilizes & increases vitality
- Delivers self awareness, peace, security and life direction
- Helps you to step away from your mortal side that is concerned with money & material possessions
- Dispels negative emotions
- Spiritual Stone –opens Third Eye
- Useful with tension & migraine headaches
- Cleanses Blood, Immune System, Skin Conditions, Cellular Disorders, fine tunes metabolism and Endocrine System
- Powerful combination of Amethyst and Citrine
- It is fast and effective especially for long standing illness
- Clears tension and calms the mind
- Enhances acceptance of oneself and others
- Releases blockages making room for new experiences
- Replaces negative with positive energy
- Powerful healer
- Removes pain & blockages physically & emotionally
- Great for workaholics
- Balances life
- Helps teenagers out of bed & keeps them out of trouble
- Will cleanse & balance the Aura, toxins and Blood
- Stabilizes DNA and oxygenates the body
- Awareness to enter a space of peace
- Helps you to speak your truth
- Peace & tranquillity usually follow when one forgives on all levels
- Assists you to free yourself of your attachments
- Aids with telepathy
- Teaches you to be compassionate
- Raises awareness
- Stimulates self healing
- Enhances astrological understanding
- Unlocks meridians when put at the feet
- Helps to balance Thyroid, repairs Tissues & Blood Vessels, useful in weight control
- Helpful with weight loss, controls appetite & balances metabolism
- Trust your intuition
- Calms fears & helps you to relax
- Ability to think before acting
- Creative & positive
- Clears thoughts & improves memory & concentration
- Ease difficult relationships at work or home
- Communicate feelings without being emotional
- Balances the chakras
- Aids deeper state of meditation & has the ability to raise the kundalini energy
- Counters stress overload to avoid burnout
- Brings good fortune when gifted
- Strengthens Teeth & Bones, Growing Pains, Beneficial for long term illness, Stuttering, Damaged Muscular Tissue, Health Tonic
- Stone of truth, mental clarity
- Improves memory & concentration
- Increases optimism
- Helps with organization especially with money
- Confident in success & prioritizes
- Calms & grounds the soul
- Overcomes anxiety, worries & fears
- Releases suppressed emotions
- Helps you to interperate your dreams
- Assists Reiki healing by taking the healer out of the way so that the healing energy is purer
- Assists in working with Angels
- Helps with exams & tests
- Regulates whole body to function well. Works on respiratory system, rejuvenates eyes
- Helps the soul come to terms with the physical body
- Stone of courage
- Reduces stress & quietens the mind
- Harmonises surroundings
- A good fortune talisman
- Brings tolerance of others
- Shows you the most direct & simplest path
- Allows you to sit & listen to your higher self
- Encourages clear & direct verbal communication
- Support when feeling overwhelmed
- Breaks old self-defeating patterns
- Useful for sore Throats, swollen Glands & Thyroid problems, counteracts short and long sightedness
Green Aventurine
- Stone of prosperity
- Connection to Devic Kingdom
- Helps you to release your fears
- Trust your divine potential
- Nothing is impossible
- Defuses negativity to positive
- Reinforces leadership & decisiveness
- Stabilizes one’s mind & stimulates creativity
- Calms anger and irritation
- Promotes sense of well being
- I am unlimited potential of creation
- Thymus glands, Nervous systems, high Blood pressure, soothes Eyes & Skin eruptions
- Enhances sleep, meditation & clarity of mind
- Brings creativity and mental stability
- Breaks chronic worry patterns
- Allows you to communicate freely
- Opens your perspectives
- Listen to your dreams, trust your inner wisdom
- Assists in becoming a wise healer
- Facilitates understanding & effects of the mind
- Enables out of body experiences
- Provides mental healing
- Draws out emotional debris & ancient fears
- Opens you mentally to your infinite possibilities
- Expect greatness from yourself and so it will be
- Assists to move into the unknown without fear
- Thyroid gland, Heart & Tissue Regeneration
- Good for unborn babies
- Mental healing
- A stone of now, it teaches us to only do what we need to do now
- Helps to shed unnecessary baggage
- Enhances courage, relieves stress and calms the mind
- Encourages a positive outlook on life
- Relieves anxiety
- It can re-awaken love in a troubled marriage
- Aids the elimination of Organs, strengthens Pulmonary and Circulatory systems and helps build resistance to toxins
- Treats Liver, Heart and Stomach
- Heals concussion
Black Coral
- Lifts trust and confidence in self
- Helps neutralize hidden fears through self forgiveness
- Transfers knowledge to wisdom
- Stone of regeneration & purification
- Balances feminine & Masculine self on all levels
- Strengthens your meridians & empowers the energy system
- Shows you no matter how dark you perceive the world to be there is always hidden light
- Have on hand when studying ancient spiritual material
- Lets you know the new world of light starts with you
- Stone of hope
- Skin conditions, Aids with Cancer, Arthritic conditions, Poor Metabolism, Aids healing of broken Bones, Varicose Veins & Migraines
- Physical & mental vitality
- Brings clarity, renewal, revitalization & healing
- Listen to your spirit as your guiding light towards your life purpose
- Stone of purification
- Instils wisdom & courage to promote inner guidance
- Calms aggression and violence
- Dispels confusion
- Reduces irritability, aggressiveness and impatience
- Cleansing for all organs, helps Iron deficiencies, Circulation and Bloodstream. Detoxifies Liver, Kidneys and Spleen. Supports Blood, helpful in cases of Leukaemia
Boji Stones
- Balances male & female energies in the body
- Hold one of each stones in hands to balance chakras
- Overcomes blockages, protects and grounds
- Together they cleanse, re-balance and ground your aura
- Hold every morning for energy & harmony
- They clear blocked emotions and heal hurtful memories
- Protect from emotional vampires Realign chakras, repairs holes in auric field
- Stimulates the flow of energy in the meridian systems of the body
- Use in past-life work
- Brings out healing powers
- Brings your attention to your patterns and repressed energy
- Heals energy blocks, relieves pain when held over the area, encourages Tissue regeneration
- Increases energy when low
- Unbalances other crystals so store separately
- Cleans and clears the environment
- Removes stagnant energy
- Combats laziness
- Gives encouragement to move on
- Good for clearing the mind and unblocking old thoughts
- Casts your fears aside & brings you into a calm & motivated state
- Awakens & delivers hidden intelligence
- Assists you in taking risks
- Have trust & enter uncharted waters with integrity
- Assists with astral travel & meditation
- A study stone
- Cleans Organs, encourages Calcium intake, fortifies Immune System and Skeletal Structure
Blue Calcite
- Cleans and clears the environment
- Removes stagnant energy
- Placed near windows/doors deters thieves or vandals
- Combats laziness
- Gives encouragement to move on
- Good for clearing the mind and unblocking old thoughts
- A study stone
- Gives confidence to children learning to swim
- Steers teenagers from bad company
- Teething babies & emergence of wisdom teeth
- Good for snappy dogs or bad tempered animals
- Cleanses Organs, encourages calcium intake Teeth & Bones, fortifies Immune system and Skeletal structure, assists Headaches caused by Hormonal & Menopausal issues, Excellent for Fever & Burns, promotes speedy healing especially wounds
Green Calcite
- Creates a calm home & work place
- Add to bath water to clear the stress of the day, mix with blue calcite for total relaxation
- Melts away attachments to old ways & situations
- Letting go is not the loss of anything but the rediscovery of you
- Good for volunteers & social work
- Anyone in sports to guard against injury
- Combats workaholics
- Gives encouragement to move on
- Works well with hyperactive children
- Helps you to focus
- Prevents & clears infections
- Directs energy in distant healings
- Helps Arthritic & Bone discomfort, encourages healthy Bones
Orange Calcite
- Warm welcoming atmosphere to the home
- At work use to break the ice to create a relaxed atmosphere
- Make children feel safe
- Helps pet hens, ducks or rabbits become more domesticated & responsive to owners
- Very gentle love magic
- Promotes sexual relationships later in life
- Gives encouragement to move on
- Allows intuitive insight to flow in readings
- Helps with prayer when angry or frightened
- Helpful with sexual dysfunction, attack or abuse
- Balances hormones & eases aching muscles
- Gentle with Gallstones, Liver or Spleen issues
Honey/Gold Calcite
- The Great Eliminator!!
- Enhances your self confidence
- Excellent for meditation
- Stone of healing & balance
- Gives you hope & optimism
- Helps deal with anger
- Opens you up to compassion & Divine Love
- Stimulates your will power
- Opens the higher mind
- Calms & soothes anxiety
- Assists with hormonal imbalances
- Eases painful muscles
- Detoxifies the kidneys
- Grounding & Stone of creativity
- Be free be creative be you
- Courage, confidence
- Promotes healing & empowerment
- Encourages you to stand alone as an individual
- Rebirths a thirst for life
- Great for male fertility
- Relieves laziness, boredom, confusion, self doubt & tiredness
- Protection from greed, envy & resentment
- Place near front door for protection & invites abundance
- Aids asthmatics & smokers as is increases oxygen in the body
- Stimulates Metabolism, Arthritis, Depression, Regulates body fluids, tonic for Heart & Lungs
Cat’s Eye
- Finance & fortunes increase
- Increase inner radiance
- Help love yourself
- Aids vision & mental clarity
- Increases healing effect of other stones
- Stone for people who work at night
- Protective of children
- Stone for cats
- Increases intuitive & clairvoyant powers
- Stimulates our awakening to other realms of existence
- Promotes purity of heart and attracts good fortune
- Assists dysfunctional relationships
- Makes calm, peace, joy & love as a way of living
- Fears & worries just melt away
- Promotes you to stand in your own power & wisdom
- Encourages you to really listen to what is being communicated to you
- Urges for greater openness to new experiences
- Cools fiery emotions
- Promotes mental balance
- Excellent support when speaking in front of large crowds
- Assists conflict by bringing peace and harmony to a situation
- Teaches trust in self and the universe
- Treats disorders of the Eyes and Ears, eliminates toxins and soothes and relaxes muscles tension and calms mental torment
- Is a nurturing stone, encouraging unity
- Brings harmony to the mind, body and soul
- Replaces depression with joy
- Changes self doubt to self-sureness
- Powerful cleaner for all parts of the body
- Guards against accidents
- Enhances group stability
- Removes self doubt
- Creates an open & enthusiastic persona
- Aids Spleen, Blood, Gallbladder, open sores, maternal instinct, Dementia and Senility
Blue Chalcedony
- A nurturing stone, encouraging unity
- Brings harmony to the mind, body and soul
- Replaces depression with joy, self doubt to self-sureness
- Powerful cleaners for all parts of the body
- Wards off psychic attack
- Facilitates acceptance of new situations
- Improves self perception
- Enhances listening skills
- Stimulates learning
- Lessens the effect of Dementia
- Increases physical energy, balances body, emotions and heals Eyes and Bones
- Accept the present as perfect
- Assists in walking your destiny
- Creates a personal space free from outside influences
- Awakens your individual purpose
- Trust in your infinite spark
- Grounds your spirit self into reality
- Brings insightful visions of past lives
- Stone of transformation
- Overcomes fear, worry & stress
- Activates cleanses & translates the Astral body
- Assist with coping with change
- Masters compulsions & obsessions
- Helps people who are driven by other people’s ideas instead of their own
- Facilitates fast decision making
- Great for Unconditional Love, Blood pressure, cramps, aches, Exhaustion, Eyes, Heart, Liver & Pancreas
Chrysanthemum Stone
- This stone seems to drift gently through time and space, helping us to do the same
- Helps you to stay centered in the moment
- Inspires and energizes
- Teaches us to remain childlike, fun-loving and innocent
- Strengthening character, overcomes bigotry, ignorance, narrow mindedness and jealousy
- Encourages showing more love to the world and in turn receiving more love in your life
- Facilitates time travel
- Encourages self to bloom
- Radiates harmony
- Strengthens character
- Treats the Skin, Skeleton and Eyes. Helps release toxins and dissolving growths
- Brings inner strength when you feel overwhelmed
- Stabilising effect within yourself
- Reverses feelings of guilt to joy
- Encourages self-awareness and inner balance
- Gives a feeling of personal power
- Promotes patience, compassion, equality & humanity
- Embrace your inner truth
- Reduces mental tension so you can keep a cool head
- Useful before, during & after pregnancy
- Treats Arthritis, Bone disease. Detoxifies Liver, Kidneys and Intestines. Regenerates Pancreas, regulates insulin
- Cleanser and regenerator, energizing
- Creative
- Opens intuition
- Manifest prosperity
- Helps to go with the flow
- Protects against negative people
- Improves communication
- Stimulates digestion, spleen, pancreas, increase blood circulation, detoxifies blood, balance thyroid, relives back pain & allergies
- Empowers expression through sexuality & creativity
- Stimulates sexual desire
- Discover new life in old relationships
- Brings back passion to your life
- Active creativity
- Follow your heart & do what you want
- Recover power after distress
- Transition from one state to another, emotional, mental & spiritual
- Useful with male & female reproductive organs
- Aids in muscle tone
- Hormone Imbalance, Infertility & Ovarian cysts, Impotence in men & Frigidity in both sexes
- Highly spiritual stone
- Promotes lucid dreaming
- Powerful healer of the heart
- Activates intellect & higher consciousness
- Links you to Angelic realms
- Facilitates deep change & leaving the past behind
- Induces patience & peace of the mind
- Acts as a karmic cleanser
- Encourages conscious spiritual transition
- Great for allergies, chronic conditions, detoxifying
- Liver, Gallbladder and weight gain.
Desert Rose
- Releases a self imposed negative belief system
- Assists in travelling back to past to heal conflict
- Assists you to receive love as well as give love
- Controls emotional outbursts
- Excellent healer for the earth
- Strengthens affirmations of purpose
- Connects to the protection of mother earth
- Used in a grid to heal disturbed earth-energy locations
- Great for Lactation, over-sensitivity, Bone structure, chronic fatigue, flexibility & Epilepsy
- Purifies the body & detoxifies the whole system
- Disperses negativity
- Links the mind to spirit
- Great healer as it absorbs disease
- Clears anxiety & relieves depression
- Unites all from separation, anchoring love for self & others
- Helps to find your true vision or path in life
- Increases the ability to learn new skills & information quickly, creative
- Stones will become cloudy when your physical or mental go into overload, need to slow down
- Not suitable for children or animals
- Enhances clairvoyance, pray and Angel contact
- Enhances your aura for success
- Provides faithful love
- Cleanse regularly as it absorbs negative energy
- Increases healthy function of the Brain, Skull Bones & Brain Cells, balances Brain Hemispheres, Eyesight, tumours, Pituitary & Pineal issues, Autism, Dyslexia
- Powerful healer for the heart
- Helps you to live in the present
- It can show you your next step when you don’t know which way to turn
- Strong mental cleaner and detoxifier
- Shows you a new way to love and be loved by opening your heart
- Embraces compassion, patience, Non-judgment, listening, truthfulness, nonattachment, equality and respect
- Regulates Cell Disorders, Thymus and high blood pressure
- Overcomes fatigue, shock, addiction and stress
- No nonsense stone
- Provides a clear-eyed approach to life
- Allows you to prioritise
- Assist with organisation
- Communicates with Angelic or Spirit guides
- Breaks karma in past lives
- Stabilizes a rocky relationship
- Attracts your soul mate
- Assists in standing up for yourself
- Helps to remain young at heart
- Helps to communicate with other cultures
- Helps with Sunburn, Epilepsy, Headaches, Nausea, Colic & Palpitations
- Enhances memory, insight and courage
- Encourages honesty in all aspects of your life
- Brings balance, harmony and patience
- A stone of regeneration and recovery after illness
- Helps overcome misfortune, start to enjoy life again
- Known as the stone of successful love
- Aids spiritual healing
- Brings domestic bliss & loyalty
- Enhances unity & unconditional love
- Promotes good friendships
- Life- affirming stone with great integrity
- Enhances mental equilibrium
- Treats Sinus, Lungs and improves vision, alleviates Rheumatism and Diabetes
Green Fluorite
- Cleanses and energises all chakras
- Assists premenstrual & menopause
- Draws negative energies and stress from around you
- Helps you to increase concentration
- Promotes mental mastery
- Organisation, Focus & Discipline
- Overcomes chaos and brings calmness, Heart & Mind as one
- Teeth, Cells, Bones, repairs DNA, relieves pain, Shingles and Nerve related pain, Arthritis, Ulcers, Stress & Anxiety
Purple Fluorite
- Wonderful sense of life
- Reminds us we can always begin again
- Promotes mental mastery
- Feel relaxed & perked up
- Clears tension headaches
- Calms thoughts that stop you from relaxing and sleeping
- Builds resistance from flu, colds & children’s illnesses
- Great stone for meditation
- Archangel work
- Assists with Healers gifts
- Assists with writing, presentations & studying
- Helps dogs behave in public
Rainbow Fluorite
- Cleans and stabilizes aura
- Promotes mental mastery
- Protects against computer and electromagnetic stress
- Draws negative energies and stress from around you
- Purifies and cleans on all levels
- This stone overcomes chaos and brings calmness
- Helps you to learn and increase concentration
- Powerful healer, good for Teeth, Cells, Bones, repairs DNA, Relieves pain, Shingles and Nerve related pain
- Develop psychic or healing ability
- Recovery from illness or exhaustion
- Restores energy levels
- Brings continued health
- Increases the will to get better
- Healing powers penetrates deep in the body
- Inspirers thinking
- Resolves long-standing irritations
- Encourages cooperation & teamwork
- Stabilizer of family members
- Brings fun back into your life
- Helps children appreciate beautiful things
- A focus for contact to the Angelic realms
- Often carried as a protective talisman for travelers
- Inspires love and devotion
- Shows you the purpose of things that have entered your life
- There are reasons behind all your choices
- Teaches you to filter all that you do through your heart
- A stone of commitment, fortifies, activates and strengthens the survival instinct
- Good luck to be gifted garnet
- Drives off phantoms & demons
- Inspires love & removes taboos
- Dissolves ingrained behavior patterns that no longer serve
- Stimulates expanded awareness
- Activates other crystals amplifying their affect
- Assists in times of crisis
- Regenerates the body and DNA
- Treats Spinal and Cellular Disorders
- Provides the ability to see your inner beauty
- Shows your potential of self
- Trust & honour your individual path
- Activates your inner light & true potential
- Encourages you to stay on your true path
- Washes away negativity, tension & stress
- Regenerates all aspects of self
- Purifies mentally & spiritually
- Removes nightmares & delivers the message gently
- Open crown & Third eye
- Activates & links Soul Star & Crown
- Multiple Sclerosis, Endocrine System, Tissue Regeneration, Heart Disease, Spinal Alignment, Neurological problem Autism, Epilepsy, Dyslexia, Increase core body warmth
- Grounding and rebalances yin
- Assists with all legal situations
- Boosts self esteem, enhances willpower, removes self-limitations & aids expression
- Helps to overcome addictions
- Stimulates concentration & focus
- Useful for studying mathematics
- It restores & strengthens blood supply & can draw heat from the body
- Good for circulation
- Supports Kidneys, stimulates absorption of iron & formation of red blood cells Treats leg cramps, Anxiety, Insomnia, great elixir for fever
- Removes the ego & dishonesty with self
- Demands responsibility for own actions & emotional state
- Self respect & self confidence without ego
- Self realization leading to highest potential
- Helps find a healthy space of honesty about your actions in the world
- Makes you aware if you are being taken advantage of
- All acts should harm none & benefit all
- Unlocks important information from past lifetimes
- Herpes Virus, Cools heat and Inflammation, Blood & Cellular Disorders, Decreases Pain
- The creative stone
- Inspires new ideas
- Provides trust in yourself
- Openness & discipline to try
- Strengthens fitness programmes
- Encourages communication
- Useful in the workplace
- Helpful with brainstorming
- Calms children who are scared of the dark
- Assist Skeleton, Bones, Teeth and the absorption of necessary minerals
Herkimer Diamond
- Promotes creativity
- Telepathy, clairvoyance and dream recall
- This stone attunes people and links them together when they are apart
- Facilitates core soul healing
- Promotes dream recall
- Gently releases & transforms
- Attunes healer & patient
- Can be programmed for others to draw on
- Excellent for gridding around house
- Powerful shield when journeying
- Good for clearing electromagnetic & radioactive pollution
- Detoxifies and protects from pollutants, relives Insomnia, corrects DNA and Cellular disorders
Imperial Topaz
- Allows you to trust yourself
- Ability to manifest
- Self discovery through creativity & individuality
- Activates confidence
- Delivers inspiration from the most sacred parts of self
- Powerful” Yes” energy
- There are no limits but your own imagination
- Financial abundance
- Create, manifest & most importantly feel
- Emotional healing & clarity
- Digestive upsets, Lowered taste, Slow Metabolism, Broken down Cellular Structure, Nervous Exhaustion, Endocrine System Imbalance, Gout
- Brings happy moods, joy & laughter into the home
- Brings inspired solutions to problems, use when brainstorming
- Use on animals who have had a hard life
- Increase physic abilities & visualisation work
- Encourages you to press forward in life
- Balances the male & female sides of expression
- Most powerful stone to break addictions
- Clears your path for new projects
- Improves Brain Function, stabilises Metabolism, relieves Headaches, prevents Insomnia, Liver, decreases fat deposits, eliminates Toxins, Malaria, fever based illness, Migraine, Psychosis due to drug use
- Dream stone – manifest your dreams into reality
- Brings about tranquillity and wisdom
- Increases love & nurturing of self
- Releases negative thoughts and awakens the mind
- Relieves depression
- Reminds you that anything is possible
- Stone of great wisdom
- Awakens hidden knowledge
- Brings your goals & ambitions to life
- Your self confidence will be lifted with powerful new limitless ambition
- Astral travel
- Grounding – so you live with the situation & feel tranquil
Green Jasper
- Supreme nurturer, it supports during stress
- Gives you determination & encourages honesty to yourself
- Aids quick thinking and transforms ideas into action
- Supports during long illness & hospitalization
- Heals control disease & obsession
- Brings your life into balance
- Assists you in becoming more empathic to others
- Provides protection against negative energies
- Balances yin and yang
- Balances mineral content of the body
- Supports circulation, digestive, sexual organs, Insomnia, Skin disorders, Bloating, upper torso, prolonged illness & circulation
Leopardskin Jasper
- Take action gracefully & powerfully
- Assist emotional re-birth or steps forward
- Stone of regeneration
- Make you look & feel younger
- Assists with skin conditions, for skin growth & blemishes
- Deals with infection
- Heals insect bites or stings
- Reminder of oneness with natural world around us
- Brings what you need, not what you think you want
- Strengthens link between animals & children
Mookaite Jasper
- Comfortable with your body
- Elevates physical activities
- Experience ultimate pleasure with all you do
- Combines physical & spiritual values
- Balances inner outer experiences
- Encourages versatility
- Companion for the bereaved or lonely
- Assists with contacting souls on other planes
- Imparts a desire for new experiences
- Points out all possibilities & assists in choosing the correct one
- Circulation, Digestive & sexual Organs
Red Jasper
- Supreme nurturer
- Supports during stress
- Encourages determination
- Encourages honesty to yourself
- Aids quick thinking
- Supports during long illness & hospitalisation
- Balances mineral content of the body, helps with menstrual & menopause
- Supports Circulation, Digestive, sexual Organs
Yellow Jasper
- Protects from spiteful & jealous people
- Keeps you on track
- Absorbs pain
- Relieves nausea
- Clears body of environmental toxins
- Chronic back pain
- Helps digestive system
- Accept the need to let go of past sorrows & regrets
- Protection from anyone who drains your energies
- Assist skin problems, bites & stings
- Electrically charged when rubbed
- Promotes taking charge of your life
- Alleviates unreasonable fears
- Guards against violence & illness
- Provides protection during spiritual journey
- Stabilizes finances & protects businesses
- Stimulates the base chakra & stimulates kundalini
- Relieves labour pain
- Tooth pain, Neuralgia, Migraines, Stomach pain & all swelling of lower body
- Dispels negativity and shields aura
- Encourages self expression, removes obstacles
- Promotes tolerance for self and others
- Helps to dissolve panic attacks
- Helps you to accept constructive criticism
- Brings back lost trust and innocence
- Assists in soul retrieval
- Repairs the etheric blue print
- Strengthens Circulation, Heart muscle, Calms Epilepsy, Point pain stimulates Immune system, Depression & Psychiatric disorders
- Never needs cleansing as it does not hold negative energy
- Encourages you to speak your truth, cutting through fears and blockages
- Restores Qi to the physical body and it’s organs
- Balances yin-yang energy
- Excellent for attunement
- Helps to connect to your guides
- Clears meridians & restores Qi
- Opens you to spiritual & psychological truth
- Releases frustration & stress
- Instills compassion
- Treats Muscular disorders, Fevers, Thyroid and Adrenals, natural pain reliever, lowers Blood pressure, releases excess weight
Lapis Lazuli
- Protection
- Teaches power of spoken word
- Ability to cut through darkness in self, cutting energy ties, allowing purpose & direction
- Encourages self-awareness & self-expression
- Honesty & Compassion
- Overcomes depression
- Assists with cruelty & suffering
- Alleviates pain & Migraine, Inflammation, Eyes, Ears, Nose & Throat, boosts Immune System, alleviates
- Insomnia & Vertigo, Lowers Blood pressure, Hodgkin’s disease, Tonsillitis, Throat Cancer, toxins in the Blood
- Mystical & protective
- Blends mind & intuitive wisdom
- Forms a barrier to negative energies
- Releases fears & insecurities
- Empowers imagination & original thought
- Faith in self & trust in universe
- Stone of transformation
- Bring your dreams into reality
- Helps to banish fears
- Helps find the cause of disease
- Removes other peoples projections
- Helps to strengthen trust in the universe
- Eyes & Brain Disorders, Relives Stress, Regulates Metabolism & Hormonal Imbalance, Gout, Menstrual Tension, Lowers Blood Pressure
- Opens you to new dimensions, stimulates evolution of the earth
- Blends heart & mind, cools & calms anger & promotes calm, love, peace and tranquility removing old patterns
- Raises consciousness, harmonizes body and soul
- Encourages Angelic contact and communication with other realms
- Heals past life relationships or attract a soul mate
- Dissolves self sabotaging behavior and blockages
- Encourages a flow through life, creativity and imagination
- An earth healing stone
- Removes attached entities
- Stimulates 3rd eye, heart, crown and throat chakras
- Placed on a painful spot, it will draw out pain
- Helps to connect to your feminine side
- Cartilage problems, Inflammation, Fever & Sunburn, Throat Troubles, General Pain
Lava Rock
- Good for chronic skin conditions, rashes & allergies
- Ease pain in labour
- Absorbs menstrual cramps & relieves cramps in any parts of the body
- Protects home from lightning, fire & intruders
- Protects from bad-tempered people & spiteful gossip
- Acts as a bridge between matter & consciousness
- Cleanses the aura
- Dissolves mental confusion
- Enables you to observe without judgement
- Strengthens your ability to empower others
- Encourages self-love
- Gives you the strength to stay on course
- Stimulates the mind
- Grounding
- Recognizes your strengths
- Enhances the healing of other stones
- Useful in Reiki
- Appetite Suppression, Liver, Iris, Reproductive Organs, Tumours and Cell Regeneration
- Unites thoughts & feelings, healing anything holding you back
- Attracts supportive friends
- Brings opportunities for success
- Allows focus & independence drives you to reach goals
- Relives unavoidable stress, maintains a still calm centre
- Cleanses atmosphere after fights or squabbles
- Restores peace & harmony in the home
- Assists dogs with behavioural problems
- Screens out negativity
- Powerful Pain remover
- Reduces the ill effect of anaesthetic
- Releases dependency of medications
- Helpful with mental illnesses, dementia & Alzheimer’s, insomnia, obsessive thoughts, stress, mood swings, bipolar, depression, allergies, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s, menopause, liquid skin tonic
- Draws money into home & success into your work. Keep a lodestone in handbag or wallet with a few coins
- Symbol of love
- Conscious Feminine & Masculine aspect of self
- New concepts are revealed
- Energised & stabilised
- Draws what is needed for growth
- Attracts healing energy that is needed for recovery
- Use male for Men & Female for women
- Manifestation & growth for spiritually
- Removes disease via physic surgery
- Helps meditation
- Nose Bleeds, tumours, under active endocrine system, headaches, vertigo, insomnia, pain management
- Cleanses the auric field
- Protects the wearer from harm
- Absorbs energy from pain, diseased or inflamed areas in the body, should be cleansed regularly
- Encourages us to step out of our comfort zone
- Helps to break ties to the past & promotes limitless change
- Brings issues & feelings to the surface. Only for someone who is willing to face their truths
- Cleanses & Protects electromagnetic fields
- Aids vision at the third eye, release & balance solar plexus
- Filters out negative communication
- Particularly good for cramps (menstrual & child birth), Aligns DNA & Cellular structure. Stimulates Liver to release toxins. Eases Migraines, kick starts the Immune system, Vertigo, Asthma, Arthritis, Tumors & Growths, Cancers, Insomnia, Leukemia, Teething, Infertility, Mental illness, Autism, Dyslexia
- A rare form of tektite, formed when a giant meteorite struck earth
- Fusion of extraterrestrial and mother earth energies
- Talisman for good fortune and fertility
- Enhances other crystals by lifting their vibrations
- Extremely high vibration, which opens and clears blockages
- Balances masculine & feminine energies
- Assists Star children to adjust to the physical world
- Helps you feel comfortable being in your body
- Makes you aware of the cause & source of the disease, then supports the healing & release process
- Compassion, Security, Empathy, Diagnosis and Emotional Trauma, Autism, Epilepsy, Brain Imbalance
- Balances, soothes & heals, bringing emotions under control
- Calms mood swings and over reacting to situations, eases tensions of the day
- Relieves insomnia, nightmares & sleep walking
- Stone of new beginnings
- Balances male/female energies
- Shock and trauma
- Calming for hyperactive children
- Encourages lucid dreaming, especially in a full moon
- Relives jet lag & protects when travelling
- Beloved by cats
- Helps Digestive & Reproductive Systems. Excellent for PMS, Pregnancy and Childbirth, Lactation, Fertility, Hormonal Imbalance, Rejuvenates Eyes, Skin & Hair, Fluid Retention
Rainbow Moonstone
- Stone of new beginnings
- Calms emotions in times of stress
- Balances male/female energies
- Helpful for shock and trauma
- Calming for hyperactive children
- Improves speech problems & learning difficulties in children
- Encourages lucid dreaming, especially in a full moon
- Excellent for people who self harm
- Helps people who work irregular hours
- Relives jet lag
- Helps Immune system, Alleviates Post-Operative Stress, helps with scarring. Digestive & Reproductive systems. Alleviates Denegation of Skin, Hair, Eyes, Liver & Pancreas
- Ability to express & listen to your heart
- Allowing growth
- Lack of self control
- Letting one take responsibility for their reality
- Provides a strong link for group work
- Lungs, Asthma, Emphysema, Tuberculosis, Lowered Oxygenation of Cellular System, Heart
Black Obsidian
- A stone that is without boundaries or limitations
- It works fast and with immense power
- Assists you to face your hidden fears
- Honest with self for needed change
- Extremely protective, forming a shield it blocks psychic attack
- Removes disorder from the body
- Grounds the soul
- Draws off negativity & repels curses
- Takes on change with action
- Arthritis, Hardened Arteries, Joint Cramp, Pain, Bleeding & Enlarged Prostate, Immunity System, Viral & Bacterial Infection, Digestive Issues, Muscle Weakness & Shock
Obsidian Rainbow
- Draws out pain & absorbs negative energies
- Excellent stone for Healers to cleanse the atmosphere & their own aura
- Improvements in chronic conditions
- Relieves problems at home & work
- Turns around misfortune & bad luck
- Gift for children continues to be lucky
- Detoxification, Blockages, Hardened Arteries
Obsidian Snowflake
- Stone for spring cleaning
- Clears away illusions & daydreaming
- Allows acknowledgement of own negative feelings & needs without guilt
- Dissolves depression
- Improves Circulation, Encourages Cell & Skin regrowth, use to warm Limbs, helps Blurred Vision, soothes Migraines
- Helps you to find your own strength in any situation
- Gives you stamina & foresight in times of stress
- Grounding allowing us to absorb what we need
- It holds the memories of its owner
- Heals old grief & sorrow
- Overcomes fears & gives the gift of wise decisions
- Stabilizes relationships
- Imparts self control
- Solid support of self
- Helps to heal physical trauma
- Teeth, Bones, Blood, Foot pain, Blood Disorders, Weight problems, Smoking, Neurological Disorders
- A very fine and delicate energy
- Emotional expressing your true self providing independence & free
- A protective stone especially when venturing into dangerous places
- Brings loyalty, Respect the emotions of others
- Spontaneity & imaginative
- Brings characteristics & feelings to the surface for transformation & action
- Love & passion
- Strengthens the will to live
- Treats Parkinson’s Disease, Fevers, Purifies Blood ,Regulates Insulin, Eases Childbirth
- Increases romantic love & spirituality
- Develops nurturing qualities in men & women
- Removing a hold of a destructive or over dominant person
- Replaces irritation & pain with balance
- Restores peace & harmony to a disruptive & antisocial person
- Release emotional stress held in the digestive system
- Opens trust in life
- Infuses commitment in relationships instead of attachment
- Balances Hormonal Cycles to natural levels, Eases Mental Overload, Fertility, Childbirth, Digestive Problems, Infections, Cancers & Malignant Conditions, Assists
- Skin Disorders
- Protective stone for the aura, shields negativity
- Neutralizes toxins , purifiers
- Activates heart and solar plexus
- Aids understanding, forgive negative states of self resulting in growth & release the past
- Powerful manifestation stone
- Reduces stress & shows you how to forgive yourself & take responsibility for your life
- Regenerates tissue, Strengthens Metabolism,
- Aids Heart, Thymus, Lungs, Gallbladder, helps in Childbirth by strengthening Abdomen & relieving Pain. Slows Aging, Endocrine Imbalance & Adrenal Gland trouble, Detoxifying and Eye & Visual weakness. Protects from Infection
Petrified Wood
- Stone of transformation
- Benefits old buildings or homes with structural problems
- Helps children value tradition
- Relieves crankiness in old animals
- Shows the important things in life over issues beyond your control
- Releases stress & worry
- Grounding & strength provides a choice to excel in all aspects of life
- Most powerful past life, gathering of information
- Understand the cause of illness
- Useful with illness that are difficult to Diagnose or Treat, Progressive illness and those with age, useful for Mobility, Aids Spine, Bones & Skeleton, Hearing Loss, Incontinence, Stimulates Skin, Hair & Nails, Arthritis
- A stone of unconditional love
- Helps you to always be prepared
- Seals the Auric field to protect from outside influence
- Can be used in the garden to bring peace and healing energy
- Also helps to de-clutter your surroundings
- Restores trust in the universe and manifestation
- Relieves deep fears
- Healing for Kidneys, Bladder, Thymus and Lungs, Can stabilize Malignant Tumors
- Unconditional love
- Helps you to always be prepared
- Shield against negative energies & physical danger
- Unites mental ability, increases memory & focus
- Helps to de-clutter your surroundings
- Restores trust in the universe & Grounding
- Aids manifestation & a desire for good health
- Relieves deep fears & depression, sees truth in the actions of others
- Good for Diagnosis, Kidneys, Bladder, Thymus and Lungs problems. Can stabilize Malignant Tumors, Throat problems, Circulatory & Digestive Tract problems, can aid DNA/RNA repair, Nervous Exhaustion, Gout, Protects from Infectious illnesses
Clear Quartz
- Master healer for any condition
- Balances & rejuvenates whole body
- Cleansing & Energising – absorbs negativity energy and transform it into positive
- Amplification & alignment of thoughts & feelings provides clarity & action
- Amplifiers other crystals
- Works like a cosmic computer, stores information
- Releases blockages
- Aids memory
- Nervous system, Fevers, Swollen Glands, Kidney Disease, Vertigo, Burns & Skin Disorders, Bladder Infection
Elestial Quartz
- Realisation of absolute view of self
- Find the cure & seeds of fear
- Ones use of power
- Reveals strength of truth to heal all
- Locates purpose of life
- Facilitates communication with Angelic
- Stabilises wave frequencies of the brain
- Burned out Brain Tissue due to Drug Abuse, Imbalance between the higher Glands of the Brain, Vertigo, Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Brain Damage
Golden Quartz
- Cleanses and energizes your aura
- It draws off negative energy
- Cleanses blockages
- Promotes self growth
- Helps to let go of the past
- Soothes dark moods
- Empowers healing at all levels
- Increase fertility
- Excellent for exhaustion
- Facilitates spiritual communication
- Thyroid and Bronchitis
Rose Quartz
- Unconditional love & peace
- Relieves nightmares
- Reconciliation & peacemaker
- Brings self-love
- Forgiveness of self & others
- Releases stored emotions, tension & heartache
- Comforts grief, calms, stress & anger
- Rejuvenates the body & purifies at a cellular level
- Increases male fertility
- Helpful in Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s
- Heart, Circulation, Kidneys, Adrenals, Sooths Burns, Ease Pain, Dizziness, Cuts or Bruises, Skin Wrinkles & Imperfections, Lungs, Leukaemia, Migraines, Tension
Rutilated Quartz
- Powerful healing stone
- Breaks down barriers to spiritual progress
- Helps to let go of the past
- Opens the aura to allow healing in
- Promotes forgiveness at all levels
- Filters out negative energy
- Promotes insights into past life
- Reaches the root of the problem
- Facilitates transition & change of direction
- Relieves phobias and fears
- Great for Respiratory tract, Bronchitis, Infertility, Impotence, Energy Depletion, Good Posture and Immune System
Smokey Quartz
- Grounding & protecting, in times of stress
- Eliminates & detoxifies
- Removes fear & emotional blocks, lifts depression
- Peaceful, calm & positive
- Assists in achieving a deeper state of meditation
- Acceptance of self & the rights of others
- Gives calm sleep & removes nightmares
- Excellent for treating illness of chemotherapy.
- Promotes pain relief, Ailments of Abdomen, Hips & Legs, Headaches Dissolves Cramps, Strengthens Back, Regulates Liquid within the Body, Infertility, may remove Radiation from the body after treatment
Tourmalinated Quartz
- Restores balance to body, mind & spirit
- Clears away the past
- Helps to neutralise unfriendly ghosts
- Removes pettiness
- Clears the air from resentments
- Resource of inner strength
- Helps over sensitive children
- Assists animals to tolerate noise & sudden movements
- Unclogs Arteries & heals Scars both in the body and on the skin, Relieves Sinus Headaches, and helps with Aspersers Syndrome
- Releases deep pain & hurt, provides new self love
- Represents selfless love & compassion
- Excellent for heart & relationships
- Heals sexual abuse
- Attracts a soul mate
- Insists you face your truth
- Encourages a positive attitude
- Lifts a depressed mood of feeling unloved & not good enough
- Forgiveness, provides acceptance of change
- Great for Migraine, Asthma, Kidneys, Low Blood pressure, Bladder, Colon & Prostate Infections and Thyroid, Internal Infections, Nightmares, Eyesight
- Nurtures, supports, encourages love
- The ability to see both sides
- First aid stone – Treats shock, panic & trauma
- Clears emotional wound & scars from the past
- Acceptance of change
- Releases resentment & anger
- Prevents repeated mistakes
- Patient, Enduring & Understanding
- Encourages forgiveness so the self-destructive emotions no longer cause disease
- Heals wounds, Skin Conditions & reduces scarring. Promotes bone growth. Relief from Arthritis,
- Auto Immune Disease, Stomach Ulcers and M.S, Infertility, Cuts & Abrasions, Scaring & Multiple Sclerosis
- Major protector for family & possessions
- Powerful shield against psychic attack
- Warning stone, said to darken when danger or illness threatens
- Powerful stone of courage of the mind & emotions
- Encourages passion for life
- Improves motivation, drive towards & to set goals
- Assists you to “ Follow your bliss”
- Promotes positive dreaming
- Stone of abundance, aids to retain wealth and passion
- Enhances intuition & may open higher vision
- Aids to retain wealth and passion
- Detoxification, Infectious Disease, Restricted Blood Flow, Heart, Adrenals, Reproductive Organs and Spleen, Fever, Leukaemia, Schizophrenia
- Cleanses and energizes the aura
- Draws off negative energy & cleans away barriers to your growth
- Helps to let go of the past
- Soothes dark moods & lifts your energy
- Illuminator for the soul
- Promotes forgiveness
- Opens aura to allow healing
- Protects against psychic attack
- Acts as an antidepressant
- Relieves fears & phobias
- Increases fertility
- Excellent for Exhaustion, Thyroid and Bronchitis, Cell Regeneration, Impotence and Infertility
- Known as the wisdom stone
- Calms the mind and releases unwanted thoughts and tension
- It aligns physical, mental and spiritual confusion
- Seeks spiritual truth with love and purity
- Transmutes negative energies
- Helps to express yourself by speaking your truth
- It can attract gifts of all kinds, brings prosperity
- Calms overactive body systems, regulates glands.
- Heals eyes by removing Impurities. Treats Blood Disorders, Strengthens Veins, Colic, Rheumatism, Mental illnesses, Digestive Imbalance
- Brings happiness to relationships
- Attracts friends
- Grid around house & home to prevent crime
- Increases stamina
- Helps to overcome hesitancy
- Strengthens willpower
- Attracts good fortune
- Promotes courage
- Stone of virtue
- Encourages self control
- Great for Lungs, Spleen Sensory Glands, Metabolism and Absorption of Nutrients
- Brings clarity of mind allowing to higher Angelic understanding
- Calming stone instilling deep peace
- It pinpoints lessons and issues that are still unfinished and shows you how to work on them
- Clears confusion and helps you to see clearly
- Non-judgmental is another one of its gifts
- Aligns spinal column promoting flexibility
- Neutralizes poisoning from dental amalgam.
- Excellent for breastfeeding
- Heals toxic conditions, Disorders of the bones, Epilepsy, Spinal misalignment & lowered flexibility
- Malignant conditions of the prostate
- Anti aging liquid can be added clay body/face masks manage Wrinkles & Age spots
- Harmonising emotions
- Patient, balanced & persevering
- Allows voice to flow & is clear and precise
- Friendship & loyalty
- Provides a honest mirror of the soul
- Flowing, cooling, gentle & mothering
- Balancing excess masculine energy
- Activates Soul & Earth Star chakras
- Aids visualisation abilities
- Antibacterial, Antiseptic, Anti-biotic & Detoxifying, Fevers, Burns, Infertility, Problems with Childbirth, Sleepwalking, Anorexia Nervosa, Headaches, Mental Imbalance, Epilepsy, Autism, Dyslexia, Visual Disturbance
- Unites logic with intuition
- Stimulates pineal gland & third eye
- A drive for truth
- Cleanses electromagnetic pollution
- Good for group work
- Trust & inner-dependence
- Clears mental confusion, removes old mental habits
- Focused on creating life changes & goals
- Truthful expression & ability to speak of emotions
- Calms panic attacks, releases negative emotions of guilt & fear
- Opens third eye, for intuitive wisdom, spiritual mind to blend with conscious
- Frees from addictions, control issues & additive behaviour
- Balances Metabolism, Calcium Deficiencies, Lymphatic Gland, Sooths Throat Conditions, Digestive Disorders, Lowers Blood Pressure, Insomnia Diabetes
Star Stones
- Redecorating & renovating
- Shows hidden talents
- Energiser
- Gain recognition
- Develops hidden strengths
- Attracts better salary & promotions
- Children lose fear of the dark
- Increases telepathic powers
- Attracts success & fame
- Recovering from surgery
- Migraines, Visual, Flow of blood
- Assists someone hurt, angry, depressed, mentally and negative
- Preserves your integrity & self-esteem at work where profit is more important than people
- To bring spiritual values into the home if influences are working against you
- Star children ability to adjust without losing their Inner-child
- Resists peer pressure in children & teenagers
- Loved by cats as it’s the colour of their aura
- Great for meditation & channelling, creates a space between physic & physical
- Contact spirit guides & light beings
- Directs energy into the body to remove blockages were needed.
- A drawing & calming effect for pain management & advance state of healing
- Realigns the body & balances the Pineal, Pituitary & Adrenal Glands, Realigns the body, Headaches, Inflammation, Stress, Brain Balance, Epilepsy, Autism, Dyslexia & Co-ordination Problems
- Carries calm to someone who is fiery with mental & emotional outbursts, without control or compromise
- Someone who is negative with low belief & value of self, by placing vitality & power becoming radiant
- Allows life to progress positively & powerfully
- Activates willpower, increase creativity & imagination
- Skin Conditions, Heat & Inflammation, Infections and Fever, Weak Metabolism, Arthritis, Gout, Hardening of Arteries, Kidneys, Gall Stones, Lymphatic System, Slow wound healing
Also known as Orange Aventurine
- Brings joy, optimism & confidence into your life
- Regenerates, clears, balance & energise self
- Allows the sun shine in times of darkness
- Unhooks past connections/ties & removes energy drawing “hooks” from others
- Clears, balances & heals energy systems & chakras
- Removes co-dependency
- An antidepressant & removes fear of failure
- Protects against destructive forces
- Self worth & self-empowerment
- Stimulates Self-healing, Harmonises all Organs, Aches and Pains, Throat Problems, Depression, Stomach Ulcers, Rheumatism & Cartilage Problems
Super 7
- Combination of seven minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxemite, Lepidocroite, Clear Quartz, Rutile & Smokey Quartz
- It never needs cleansing
- It is said to produce electromagnetic waves which provide self-luminous quality, similar to the holy light which can be seen around trees and church towers
- Promotes peace and harmony to guide one’s being so that a new way of thinking and doing become clear
- Used to promote telepathy, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance and creativity, to further healing on all levels and for healing of Earth
- Shows alternative sides to personality, develops imagination & spontaneity when needed
- Can open new avenues of employment
- Opens children’s stories of stones & past lives
- Lightens cloudy aura in animals
- Creates guided visualisation
- Provides the ability to manifest positivity allowing personal power in action
- Opens third eye, throat & crown
- Ability for clairaudience & clairvoyance link to Angelic
- Transmute negativity to love & understanding
- Skin Disorders, misalignment of spine, comatose states, acidification, poor immune system, Inflammation, Infertility, Depression
- Is a meteorite and is believed to enhance connection to other worlds
- Delves deep into the heart of a situation, so you see the cause and effect
- Bio-magnetic energy around the body
- Signify spiritual change & development
- Bury near your front door to guard against fire, storm, hostility & to attract abundance
- Too powerful to use on children & animals
- Reduces Fevers, Aids Circulation and prevents transmission of Diseases, Skin Disorders, illnesses that drain strength
Golden Tigers Eye
- Protective stone in all areas including travelling
- Grounds people who can’t commit
- People who feel trapped in life
- Aids in collecting information so it can be used
- Helpful in resolving conflicts
- Supports addictive personalities to make changes
- Alleviates depression & lifts moods
- Helps you to see what it is you really need, not what you want
- Creates change with conscious direction of personal power and action.
- Scattered thoughts are forced into order
- Moving forward in life
- Enhances psychic ability
- Treats Eyes, Throat & Reproductive Organs. Helpful for repairing Broken Bones, Personality Disorders, Mental Disease & Addiction
Red Tigers Eye
- Protective stone, useful as a talisman
- Grounding & helps people who can’t commit
- Aids in collecting information so it can be used
- Helpful in resolving conflicts, internal & external
- Supports addictive personalities to make changes
- Alleviates depression & lifts moods
- Helps you to see what it is you need
- Helps children deal with bullying
- Attach to cats collar to protect from cat haters
- Sharpens Eyesight, Promotes healing after surgery, Assist Blood Rejuvenation, Restores normal Menstrual cycle
Golden Topaz
- Helps you to see the Karmic effect your deeds and thoughts have
- Purifies emotions & actions
- Removes stagnant energy
- Clears doubt
- Brings joy, generosity, abundance and good health
- Releases tension
- Recharges you spiritually & physically
- Attracts mentors
- Assists in overcoming limitations
- Speeds up spiritual development
- Aids Digestion, Fortifies Nerves, Broken-down Cellular Structure, Endocrine System Imbalance, Gout, Stimulates Metabolism
- Cleanses & purifies a protective shield around the body
- Connection to the Devic Kingdom,
- Good for plants & gardens
- Banishes feelings of being a victim
- Increases trust, confidence & personal power
- Inspiration, compassion & prosperity
- Mental healer, releases tension, removes blockages
- Grounding, cleanses aura
- Heals dysfunctional family relations
- Black: Protects electromagnetic radiation
- Depression, Stress, All Pain Including Spinal & Back, Strengthens Immune System
Green Tourmaline
- Excellent healer
- Helpful for visualization & opens up the heart chakra
- Promotes compassion, tenderness & patience
- Transforms negative to positive
- Promotes openness & a sense of belonging
- Rejuvenates & inspires creativity
- Magnetizes prosperity & abundance
- Over comes problems with father figures
- Power to heal plants
- Aids sleep
- Quietens the mind
- Detoxifies, infuses directly in the Nervous System
- Beneficial for hyperactive children
- Treats Eyes, Heart, Thymus, Brain, & Immune System, Chronic Fatigue & Exhaustion, Multiple Sclerosis, Insomnia, Panic attacks & Migraines
Pink Tourmaline
- Increase self-image, allowing to open up to friendship, love & praise
- Helpful for making difficult decisions or deliver bad news with compassion
- Freely shares love where needed, trustful & confidant in the power of love and sharing
- Forgiveness for past experiences
- Attracts love
- Assists with learning, training & study
- Blocks against powerful negativity
- Use for channelling from higher planes
- Helpful for girls & boys going through puberty
- Allows female energies to find expression in both males & females
- Links the heart & crown chakras
- Empowerment to translate good intentions into practical action
- Steadies the heart, Effective for chronic Lung issues, Endocrine System imbalance, Miscommunication between body systems, Infertility
- Communication, true expression
- Calming, Cleansing & Grounding
- Balances feminine & Masculine energies
- Promotes friendship & loyalty
- Self realization
- Great for purification
- Eases mood swings
- Brings good fortune when gifted
- Anti-biotic
- Heals & unites physicality and the spirit
- Allows soul to express its self
- Gout , Rheumatism, Stomach Ulcers , Pain, Sore Throat and Viral Infections
- Uncovers the roots of problems
- Releases conditions blocking growth or change
- Goes beneath the physical symptoms of disease so the cause can be found
- Promotes harmonious relationships in love or business
- Enhances weight gain and releases fluid retention
- Great for the re-birthing process
- Wear during labor to promote easy birth
- Enables children to talk about their problems
- Protects endangered plants
- Balances Metabolism, Treats Reproductive System, stimulates healthy Pregnancies and healthy newborns, Triggers self healing
- Caretakers stone
- Make space for your spiritual development
- Channelling Angels & star beings
- Spiritual healer, draws down angelic energy to relieve any part of mind, body or soul is suffering
- Ability to talk about your feelings when feeling restricted, either physically or emotionally
- Place in the heart of the home to relax
- Makes the home a spiritual place
- Excellent for banishing worry
- Place in the bath to harmonise your spirit with the positive energy from the universe
- Wonderful for sending healing to children who are suffering from abuse or poverty
- Assists anyone living in famine-stricken area or war-torn lands
- Healing for dolphins, whales & sea creatures
- Will help any animal who’s been cruelly treated or imprisoned in a small cage
- Natural bringer of prosperity
- Embraces life change without fear
- Allows to forgive & release the past, opening a path forward
- Great for someone who gives up due to past failure and are trapped in the past
- Safe travel & place in luggage for welcoming & comfortable accommodation
- Prevents road rage when placed in the car
- Provides children with stability
- Help with infants start to walk & older children become more coordinated and think quick
- Helps animals picking up fleas & ticks
- Aids intuition, telepathy & collects wisdom through meditation
- Opens root chakra and activates minor chakras on the soles of the feet
- All purpose healer, Balance Pituitary & Pineal Glands, Eases all Bowel Problems, Relieves Insomnia, Irregular Menstrual Issues, Nerve Pain, Depression, Toxic Liver